Never did I dream that when you walked into my life,
That you were coming to stay, to make all my days bright.
I didn’t know that you would take over the largest part of my soul
Claiming it all as yours, my love in it to hold.
I wonder if you even know how my thoughts always are of you?
How I talk to you in my mind all the time, to keep from being blue.
Even though you are not here, and I still have a time to wait,
I am dressed and have bonnet in hand, to greet you at the gate.
You have never seen me, I know, but I can assure you that, now
You will be able to come straight to me, picking me out from the crowd.
I will probably be the one with a foolish grin on my face
Knowing that finally and at last, you have finally claimed your place.
So come into my open arms, surround me with your heart
Unpack your bags, you’re going to stay, our lives we’ve dreamed can start.